Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Choosing Friends

One of my birthday cards expressed this sentiment:

"A woman ought to appreciate her own beauty, value her own wisdom and be surrounded by people who couldn't agree more."  

I believe in keeping good friends close. Although I have been blessed to have many friends, those in my inner circle, closest to me, are few in number. I know that I can count on these individuals to not only be there to offer positive support, guidance, love & counsel, but they can also be counted on to set me straight when needed. They are among the few who have permission to speak "painful" truths in to my life.  I trust them because they don't just tell me what I want to hear or what they think I want to hear.  

At the same time, there are others with whom I am friendly but I would not turn to them for comfort or advice. I often refer to these individuals as the "sandpaper personalities" in my life.  Although they are not considered inner circle friends, they have often been used to also rub off some of my rough edges & to spur me on to excellence.  Mind you, I don't readily choose to have these persons in my life. But I have come to accept that the "sandpaper personalities" are often chosen by the Lord as He uses them in the  molding, shaping, & refining  processes of my heart & life.

Therefore, I think it is disadvantageous to surround oneself with only those who "couldn't agree more" with us. Yes, we should surround ourselves with those who appreciate & value us, but not just for who we are, but also for who we are becoming.  Proverbs 27:17 states "Iron sharpens iron;  so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend".

Undoubtedly, we should always choose friends wisely & we should feel at ease and comfortable around our friends. However, let's not be so quick to discount those relationships that at times make us uneasy (for the right reasons). Especially if from the unease something good, beneficial, & beautiful can eventually emerge.